Common Pests in Mt. Pleasant, SC

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Common Pests We Handle


Small but persistent, ants invade homes in search of food and can quickly become a nuisance.

Bed Bugs

These tiny bloodsuckers hide in mattresses and furniture, causing itchy bites and discomfort.


Fast-moving predators that thrive in damp areas and prey on other insects.


Hardy pests that spread bacteria and thrive in warm, hidden spaces.


Parasitic insects that feed on blood, often affecting pets and causing itchy bites.

Flying Pests

Includes flies, gnats, and wasps that can be a nuisance and health risk indoors and outdoors.


Harmless decomposers that feed on decaying plants but may invade homes in large numbers.


Known for their itchy bites, mosquitoes also carry dangerous diseases.


Mice and rats can spread disease and cause structural damage to homes.


Small, wingless insects that thrive in dark, humid areas and damage paper and fabrics.


While most are harmless, some species can deliver venomous bites and create messy webs.


Silent destroyers that chew through wood, potentially causing severe structural damage.

Other Pests Found in Homes & Gardens

Beetles, Weevils & Meal Moths

Common pantry pests that infest stored food.

Black Vine Weevils & Leaf-Footed Bugs

Garden pests that damage plants.

Box Elder Bugs & Stink Bugs

Seasonal invaders that cluster on walls and windows.

House & Deer Mice, Norway & Roof Rats, Cotton Rats

Various rodents that cause property damage and spread disease.

Dobsonflies, Mayflies & Caddis Flies

Water-loving insects often found near lakes and streams.

Jerusalem Crickets & Mole Crickets

Large burrowing insects that damage gardens.

Cheese Skippers

Tiny pests found in damp environments or spoiled food.

Pill Bugs & Amphipods

Moisture-loving insects commonly found in damp areas.

Yellow Jackets

Aggressive stinging insects that pose a threat.

Plaster Beetles

Tiny pests found in damp environments or spoiled food.

Fruit Flies

Small but persistent pests that infest ripe fruits and vegetables.

Lice & Ticks

Parasitic pests that latch onto humans and pets.

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